Promoting Literacy 101

Promoting Literacy 101

Family Literacy Day is on January 27, 2021

It’s never too early to start promoting literacy with your family! It can even be as simple as leaving books lying around your home. Sounds easy right? Well, it is! Just leave books all around your house!

This is a great way to encourage your children to read or look at a book without forcing them to or having to tell them it’s time to read.  It allows children to explore books on their own. We want to make sure that we are making books accessible for our children. For younger children, leave books out on bookshelves that they can access or even baskets on the floor. 

The idea of leaving books laying around is not to create a mess but to create an environment that encourages your children to read more. Here are just some places you could leave books around the house:

  • Bathroom
  • In the tub
  • Coffee table
  • Kitchen/dining room table
  • In the car
  • Bedrooms
  • Family room
  • In diaper bags when you go out
  • Bookshelves (make sure they can reach the books)
Books are fun!

Family Literacy Day was created by ABC Life Literacy Canada in 1999 to raise awareness of the importance of reading and literacy-related activities as a family.

To find a list of creative and fun literacy-based activities go to their website at

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